When Things Go Wrong: The Hidden Gift of our Imperfections
Join us for EmPRO’s 60-minute virtual program: When Things Go Wrong: The Hidden Gift of Our Imperfections. Hosted by Mick Krasner, MD.
Join us for EmPRO’s 60-minute virtual program: When Things Go Wrong: The Hidden Gift of Our Imperfections. Hosted by Mick Krasner, MD.
EmPRO invites you to join your colleagues in a program run by narrative medicine specialist and endocrinologist, Barbara Hirsch, MD, MS. Allow Barbara and the group to bring the humanities to medicine and see the changing perspective that occurs. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER
Join us for another 60-minute program with Mick Krasner, MD. Explore meaningful experiences in clinical practice and how our attention, intentions, and attitudes affect our experiences at work. Understand the power of and barriers to attentive observation and critical curiosity in clinical practice. Experience a mindful practice designed to enhance resilience by building awareness that … Continued
EmPRO invites you to join your colleagues in The Writer's Studio, a program run by narrative medicine specialist and endocrinologist, Barbara Hirsch, MD, MS. This monthly course uses the gift of poetry to help see the world of medicine with greater clarity and illumination. With poetry acting as a trigger to often profound discussion, the … Continued
EmPRO welcomes you to a 45-minute, virtual program hosted by mindfulness thought leader, Mark Bertin, MD. Enjoy a 12-minute virtual meditation to refocus and strengthen your mindset! CLICK HERE TO REGISTER
We welcome you to a 45 min, virtual program hosted by mindfulness thought leader, Mark Bertin, MD. 12 - Min Virtual Meditation Included. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER