HIPPA for Release of Records?

I have often received this question from health care providers: A patient wants a copy of her records. The provider seems to think that due to HIPAA, he has to … Continued

Physicians and HIPAA Law

Many physicians and healthcare practitioners, do not understand the HIPAA law. The key is understanding what is PHI or Protected Health Information. PHI is any payment or medical record that … Continued

Responding to CMS Investigation

Watch out for 3rd party companies that are hired by CMS to investigate Medicare/Medicaid usage by private offices. Usually three investigators ring your bell and walk in unannounced. They attempt … Continued

High Dose Opioids

Whether you are a physician, an NP, PA, an RN, or any other health care provider, if it comes to your attention that a patient is on a high dosage … Continued

Driving While Intoxicated

Even though the police pulled you over while you were not treating patients, if you plead to even a misdemeanor, that will be reported to the National Practitioner Data Bank, … Continued