Our Goal
To Protect
EmPRO is a medical professional liability carrier dedicated to protecting the healthcare communities of New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Connecticut. We provide:
- Risk, malpractice, and peer support
- Outstanding customer service that is responsive, efficient, and capable
- Aggressive claims defense
When You Need Us - We're Here!
Our Commitment
EmPRO’s team of professionals are innovative, responsive, and dedicated to supporting your practice, group, or facility when it comes to liability insurance. Count on us to be here for you!
Our History
EmPRO Insurance Company (“EmPRO”) is a wholly owned subsidiary of Physicians’ Reciprocal Insurers (“PRI”), a New York reciprocal insurance exchange formed in 1981 (collectively, the “Company”). PRI began writing medical professional liability insurance (and ancillary general liability insurance) in New York State in 1982 until its acquisition of EmPRO (formerly, Empire Insurance Company) from Sirius America Insurance Company in July 2020. Although a single state monoline insurer writing exclusively medical professional liability insurance in New York State, for decades PRI remained one of the top 15 medical malpractice insurers in the United States. Read More